Thursday, January 26, 2012


Not hung yet....
hung up:)
                                                              not the best before pictures:(
getting there!!

Decided to post projects im currently working on...really excited to be making progress however the more I do the more I realize I need to do....Anyway I created a message board/backpack area by our backdoor...The boards I spray painted with chalkboard paint and I bought the boards ($1.99-30% sale)and the letters at Hobby Lobby...Easy project to increase organization in my chaotic home....also mounted a 3 hook/board thingy which I purchased at Home Depot ( 19.99?) for their backpacks below the message boards....My thought is as they put their backpacks up they will read the messages I have for clean your room,take the dog out, please get the underwear OFF the counter,etc....they can also add notes for themselves,  like bring permission form, lunch money, etc..this is just one of many projects I have planned so please be patient as I am just getting started...I also have before and after pics of my laundry room...It has a LONG way to go but I also feel it has come a long way...And last my closet.. I seriously am upset cause I forgot before pics..double urgh!!! But if you can imagine a tornado hitting my closet that would be my before pic...please picture it now and then look at after pics:) WONDER HANGERS!!! WHO KNEW!! For me personally they are life-changing...I know thats sad but really they are...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

new year

Got so much I want to accomplish this year! Start blogging. check.